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  • Article on Cancer Care in the Next 70 years

Cancer Treatment in the Next 70 years

As part of a series of communications to mark the 70th Birthday of the Nationals Health Service (NHS), I was asked by Cancer Research UK to write a short article outlining my ambitions for Cancer Care in the NHS – cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment – into the next 70 years.

In the article, I talk about how cancer treatment has changed and improved over the years – from radical surgery to immunotherapy – with less invasive surgery and fewer side effects, and how new drug development is now based on a greater understanding of cellular biology rather than chance discovery.

However, as a population, we are living longer and our risk of developing cancer increases with age so having a NHS which can keeping up with this disease burden in diagnosis and treatment will become an ever-greater struggle.

I also consider the things we can do which can help prevent cancer, such as vaccinating against human papillomavirus to reduce the risk of cervical and oral cancers, and the kinds of lifestyles we lead. But, as politicians, we also need to consider the impact each Government decision has on the health and well-being of our citizens which could help prevent, not just cancer, but many chronic conditions. A ‘health in ALL policies’ approach to decisions regarding food standards, school meals, sports facilities, or the design of town centres to encourage walking and cycling would be a good place to start; as well as helping us age with a better quality of life in our later years, it would also reduce the strain on healthcare services.

To read the article in full click on the link below:

Cancer – the next 70 years_Cancer Spotlight Month AUG18

and to read the blog in the Future of Cancer Care by Cancer Research click here